Marketing Yourself for a Promising Experience
Do you find yourself proudly single, yet longing for a partner? You may have a great life, anchored in a deep sense of self-worth and a successful career. You realize you do not need another person to compete you, but you would like to have someone compliment you.
Given the rise of online dating, there are many people in the same boat who need to move outside their circle of work, church, community, and social circles to try to make a connection. One of the things these apps can do is help you market yourself - which is at the crux of what you must do to put yourself out there. Ironically, marketing may be something you do in your profession, so you know the drill; but how do you approach that when you are the product or service on the line?
Some of the principles are the same.
Develop a plan to market yourself
Set goals. Our goal does not have to be to get married, but you can develop some quantifiable goals to help you meet more people interested in socializing with you. Think of strategies to make that happen, such as completing that online dating profile. Just as if you were leading a marketing campaign for a product or developing an “elevator speech” for job interviews, you should have a positive motto to get you through the process. Something as simple as “welcome every day with a smile” and “Can hardly wait to see what’s ahead” can encourage/attract others and demonstrate your positive attitude.
Prepare yourself for success
A company releases a new product when it is complete, tested, packaged, and ready to go. While you are waiting for your strategies to be effective, make yourself the type of attractive, interesting person who is “date-worthy.” This doesn’t mean you must change yourself to a size 2 model or turn into a chameleon who becomes like its surroundings, but focus on making yourself the best you can be inside and out. Join a gym to become more fit, experiment with new makeup, and update your wardrobe. Keep up on current affairs. Get involved in things that interest you and that are likely to appeal to men or women you’d like to date.
Especially if you haven’t dated for a while, polish you dating skills. How should you sum up your life in a way appropriate for a first date? What is the current dating protocol about reaching out to him/her?How should you protect yourself with online dating?
Consistently use new techniques
If you’re on social media (Facebook, instagram, etc), develop your profile in a way that showcases your interests. Post interesting, appropriate pictures and comments. If you claim you’re optimistic about life, avoid putting your life’s misery online. Potential dates will of course check out your social media to find out more about who you are.
Be flexible
You have a vision of your ideal date, but don’t limit yourself by putting numerous “must haves” on your list. By limiting the pool of potential dates too much, you might miss out on someone who’s perfect, but isn’t your fantasy dream date. Confine yourself to five deal breakers. You don’t want to hook up with just anyone; however, if you are too picky at the initial stage, you may prevent yourself from finding that “ideal match.”
Trying to find companionship, and maybe love, with a focused marketing approach will aid your personal development and may yield the results you want. If you are successful, you can be proud you met your goals and expanded your horizons.
Happy hunting!